The Chief Development Officer

eBook - Beyond Fundraising

Erschienen am 15.05.2021, Auflage: 2/2021
41,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781475855517
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 202 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


The Chief Development Officer: Beyond Fundraising is a guide not only to those preparing for or serving in the role of CDO but also to those charged with selecting, appointing, and supporting CDOs. It includes ten chapters, each presenting a role beyond frontline fundraising and fundraising program management in which todays top CDOs excel: Relationship Builder in Chief; Shaper of a Culture that Embraces Philanthropic Partnership; Visible Leader in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Strategist and Planner; Trusted Advisor on Board Matters; Thought Partner; Visionary and Confident Sight Raiser; Resilient Optimist; Talent Magnet; and Mentor, Sponsor, and Ally to Future CDOs. Each chapter includes a description of the elements of the role, illustrations of how CDOs excel, and advice on preparing for the role.

The book encourages anyone with an interest in the CDO position to take steps to prepare well ahead of stepping into the position. It also encourages mentors, supervisors, and other industry leaders to identify those with potential for success in the CDO role, provide resources such as this book, and create opportunities for them to gain experience and skill that they will need when they step into this complex, challenging, yet extremely important and deeply rewarding role.


Ronald J. Schiller Founding Partner of the Aspen Leadership Group, and former Vice President of the University of Chicago, is a nationally recognized advisor to nonprofit leaders. He is the author of four books:The Chief Development Officer: Beyond Fundraising; Belief and Confidence: Donors Talk About Successful Philanthropic Partnership; Raising Your Organizations Largest Gifts: A Principal Gifts Handbook;and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Advancement: Strengthening Engagement and Fundraising Through Inclusion.


Foreword by Susan Paresky




CHAPTER ONE: Relationship Builder in Chief

CHAPTER TWO: Shaper of a Culture that Embraces Philanthropic Partnership

CHAPTER THREE: Visible Leader in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

CHAPTER FOUR: Strategist and Planner

CHAPTER FIVE: Trusted Advisor on Board Matters

CHAPTER SIX: Thought Partner

CHAPTER SEVEN: Visionary and Confident Sight Raiser

CHAPTER EIGHT: Resilient Optimist

CHAPTER NINE: Talent Magnet

CHAPTER TEN: Mentor, Sponsor, and Ally to Future CDOs

Key Takeaways

Appendix: Individuals Interviewed and Surveyed

About the Author

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